Ashley Graham can't win. That's her official line. Unofficially she consumes six times more calories per day than any other model in the business, works out a third as much, and still rakes in millions. Save your tears for real hardships like bombed out Syrian refugees or HuffPo columnists whose favorite nail salon was raided by ICE.

Graham came under fire for posting a photo of herself not looking fat. In fact, she looks remarkable less fat than usual. Graham insisted it was all flattering angles and that she's actually put on three pounds this past year. Her tubby army was having none of that:

  “I knew it you did lose a lot of weight! I am no longer a fan of yours you betrayed a lot of people! So I'll find another plus size beautiful woman bcuz yo're full of shit!!! #damnshame #justliketherest”

“Why are you changing yourself? I thought you were comfortable being yourself and being plus size. You are clearly losing tons of weight.”

The gauntlet has been thrown. You get healthy you are no longer worthy of our blind sycophancy. Like when one of the kids in the delinquent gang starts getting good grades? What the fuck? We were all going to have shitty futures together, man.

Graham plays these not-fat-enough shaming moments against comments about her resembling Fudgie the Whale and declares it all evidence of how women's bodies have impossible standards. If you insist that being reasonably physically fit isn't one of them. It's a straw man in a girdle. And it's making Ashley Graham a fortune.



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